Tuesday goes..

Giving up On this Paatu class.

Today is Vijayadasami, and everyone asked her to sing and I could see she was close to crying almost. Two of the parents are just pushy as hell, one telling that her barely 5 year old cannot remember patterns of sarali varisai, whereas in India by 5 kids know all that jazz.

Luckily I spoke to another friend who is also teaching Paatu, I liked her philosophy of teaching, she sounded mellow, has a son who is also shy, it might work out for dotter. Right now timings are not working out. May be after December.

It is stressful for me and it is stressful for dotter also. I don’t want to put her through this. I will try again in January and see if it works out. If not English Choir! Which she says she definitely wants to go.

So anyway glad to get this out of the way, a total bummer smack in the middle of busy weeks. back to happy things.

Today dotter was a super star in the class, with her special pointer she used to point to the pictures we had on our posters and spoke about it with no practice before hand to her class and teacher and some parents. Shyness was nowhere to be seen. I stood there to help her but I let her lead the talk, take questions and answer. I was super duper proud of her.
Tomorrow and Thursday DH will be going to school to show more stuff. Friday I have to show a video of her doing something. I am torn between her skiing video and her ballet video.


6 thoughts on “Tuesday goes..

  1. She is only 5, you can always try much later. I started pattu class when I was 8 or 9 and quite by the time I was 13 but a friend of mine started when she was almost 14 and till date sings much better than me.
    PS: A friend’s kid had the same reaction to a pattu teacher. I couldnt believe it because at home she is quite confident and bold. 🙂


  2. Your daughter is so pretty. As a mother of 2 teenage daughters I find it interesting to read your thoughts and struggles you are going through, reminds me of those times my daughters were of that age and makes me think “what did I do then..” it sure feels like long time back already 🙂 keep sharing. BTW I’m from Bay area too


    1. Thanks MS! Fellow Bay Area ite?! Do provide tips as you remember things. I realize these are petty things to be concerned about but they do take up a lot of my time and efforts! ;–)


  3. Finally,catching up on your posts SK.I have a question.I don’t know about the public school system AT ALL.Do all schools have these activities that involve parents?Like parents showing videos – does that happen in all schools?


    1. Meena I also don’t know much ya. I think parents help out in all public schools atleast in the lower grades. And the star of the week happens in all schools. Not sure


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