#happinessproject 15

  1. Today I am bored. And kinda depressed. How to keep the motivation levels up? I guess I should enjoy not having anything to do, just watch TV and play chess all day, sleep when I want, check on dad often, only supervise other helpers doing all the physical work.
  2. Thankful for emergency in India being totally different from US, we went again, got a drain wound dressed up and some other suggestions for issues.
  3. Dad is depressed. It is normal post surgery. What am I doing here, why am I still alive etc etc. I told him JSK has only one thatha, she needs him. He needs to connect better with her. His ailments are keeping him occupied. I hope we can become all right soon and spend some quality time with his grand children.
  4. This place is getting to me. The smells and the heat and the dust and dirt and the crowd. I was so bugged yesterday, went to buy something from the pharmacy and in that 1mi walk I saw 50-60 non masked idiots. I dont usually say this but let all the idiots who cannot understand the importance of wearing a mask and wearing it properly get covid and die. The world can benefit from less stupidity. Oh by the way, one flat ground floor tested positive for covid. It is very much everywhere and people are flocking for diwali purchase crowding stores. Idiots. Hmm what is there to be happy about? Can I be happy that in the past 5-6 weeks I havent caught the dreaded covid inspite of coming across 100s of idiots?
  5. What else I want to order some authentic indian chocolates and alcohol any ideas? will order online. Boss was okay with me extending my stay by one more week. So much work is being pushed out waiting for me to be back. I should make use of this downtime, ENJOY it. I mean cmon when will I ever get a chance to lie in bed and watch TV all day. Going to the doctor tomorrow, lets see what the pathology report says of the removed organ!

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