#happinessproject 14

1. Had parent teacher conference. Teacher thinks JSK is very responsible! Above grade level in reading and writing. Math needs to be tested but she sees no issues. Science assignments are not being turned in. No apparent interest in science. As I have said she has natural inclination towards arts. Is it bad? I am torn between being the typical Indian parent forcing science on her versus letting her follow her interests while exposing her to everything. She loves animals ( loves watching the class snake eat his weekly meal of a rat, sent me a recorded video too) and space. Loved learning minerals/gems. But fossils?! Probably not. 😂 I guess I shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

2. My desire to get JSK to study medicine is all the more strong, given how much we don’t know and would appreciate expert medical opinion in these kinda times. Thankful my SIL is from a smart Kerala family and has a bunch of doctor relatives, who have been helping and guiding as much as possible. My family? Believes in theertham from this specific church which will just ‘melt’ the cancer. 🙄 And some believe in Siddha, dissolving cancer with food. Dad had some Ayurvedic medicine like this for sleep issues which took his liver for a toss this last April and was admitted for three days. I don’t know, I don’t say these medicines are not trust worthy I am pretty sure there is reasoning behind it and it works. But need proper full fledged info on this, not half baked, logic-less. Quacks are many as is the case in India. At least modern medicine I can google. Cannot do that for other types of medicine, it is blind belief.

3. Along the same lines, Started watching House again. Human body is fascinating.

4. Dad is recovering getting slowly better everyday. Has post operative issues, managing at home. But he is becoming slowly independent.

5. Happened to check my United app and saw Lufthansa segment from Chennai to Frankfurt was cancelled. Rebooked on United via Delhi. Ugh. My worry was Business class has few seats didn’t want to miss seats. 8 hrs 8:30pm to 4:30an in Delhi airport. Going to be hard.

My prayers is for all cancer to be gone and no need for radiation and shit after going through surgery and after effects.

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