#happinessproject 13

1. Today early morning we went to the emergency to make sure a symptom seen was not abnormal. Relieved to know nothing to worry about.

2. I googled and triaged, Checked temp, called Telemedicine which I realized is another name for Phone consult. Doc said what I suspected and concluded. And sent us back home with ‘eat nutritiously and have your pain meds if there is pain’. πŸ™„

3. Glad to have this male caregiver who helps dad with everything, even does vegetable shopping.

4. Got new ear phones, AirPods. Found a store with no duplicate products. The guys were very helpful and friendly. Focused on learning a song. Nice distraction.

5. Dad doesn’t trust me. Because I left this house when I was 21, we are stuck in that time. I expect my dad to be this ever active, sharp person, he expects me to be this careless, young girl? πŸ˜‚ he trusts people around more may be because they are here and he sees them all the time. I got frustrated. But I have to earn his trust looks like. it is a slow process as the tables are turned and it is my turn to take care of him.

2 thoughts on “#happinessproject 13

  1. So true on the trust part ! They stay frozen in time – I have to remind my mom i am married for 15 yrs and run my own family πŸ˜‰


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